1066 Open Studio

I have been kindly invited to take part in 1066 Open Studio again this November along with ceramicists Angela Verdon, Dennis Farrell and Ellen Yates. The event will take place at 1066 London Road, Derby over the weekend of 19-20th November with a private view on Friday evening 18th November.......all welcome!

  • Angela Verdon's enclosed sculptural forms in burnished bone china explore light, shadow and contour resulting in fluid evocative structures.  angelaverdon.com
  • Dennis Farrell creates painterly ceramics in response to coastal and rural landscapes using expressive brush marks and vibrant colour.  dennisfarrellceramics.com
  • Ellen Yates' work is inspired by the discarded and reimagined into abstract ceramic forms


I will be showing new felted birds along with a few other creations!